Verb Tenses: 12 English Tenses with Useful Tenses Charts


Do you wish to improve the quality of your English verb tense knowledge? In the present, past, and future, do you understand the tenses of your verbs? This article for teachers can aid in boosting your memory.

READ FULL ARTICLE: 12 English Tenses

English Tenses can be useful when learning to speak the English language from the beginning.

Three major kinds of tenses are explained when the event mentioned in the statement took place.

Many English learners are worried about the tense. If you met 100 native English users in public and asked questions about the tense of their sentences, only one could give you an answer — if lucky enough. The remaining 99 will be clueless about phrases such as “past perfect” or “present continuous.” They can communicate fluently in English and communicate with ease. Of course, to communicate effectively in ESL, it’s helpful to learn about the tenses. But don’t get obsessed with the tenses. Learn to speak like native speakers! Naturally, speak!

Various verb forms to describe various actions at various moments in time are thought to be grammatical , also known as Verb Tenses. What is the definition of verb tenses, and how can you make use of these words? This article will look at verb tenses and will cover frequent mistakes, regional usages, and examples, as well as an examination of verb tenses and their variants.

What Are English Verb Tenses?

The verb’s tense tells that a person has done an act or was involved in something or took place. There are three primary verbs tenses in English: the present, the past, and future.

These categories (past, present, and future) are subdivided into four categories: simple continuous, perfect and flawless perpetual tenses.

The four categories (simple, continuous, perfect, and perfect continuous tenses) can be applied to various periods and states of operation. The details of the 12 tenses will be discussed in the next sections.

The 12 English Verb Tenses

A verb can only have two main forms, the past and present tense. The other tenses may be created by incorporating words like auxiliary verbs, is, am, are, has been, were, had, will, have, etc. This article will go over all the verb tenses and how to use them properly.

  1. Simple Present
  2. Simple Past
  3. Simple Future
  4. Present Continuous
  5. Past Continuous
  6. Future Continuous
  7. Present Perfect
  8. Past Perfect
  9. Future Perfect
  10. Present Perfect Continuous
  11. Past Perfect Continuous
  12. Future Perfect Continuous

Simple Tenses

“Simple tense” is a type of verb tenses. It includes all three tense types: the simple past tense, the simple present tense, and the simple future tense.

The three easy tenses convey facts or regular tasks. In contrast to the other tenses, the simple tenses define actions without stating specifically whether the actions have been completed or ongoing.

1. Simple Present Verb Tense

A simple present tense is a case when you use an adjective to describe events that occur continuously in the present time, such as every day or every week, or each month. We employ the simple present tense to describe anything that occurs frequently or is actual.

Simple Present Tense Example Sentences

Here are a few examples explaining simple present tense:

  1. They go to school daily.
  2. I play football outside after school.
  3. Every Sunday they eat spaghetti for dinner.
  4. Sophia runs towards school every day.
  5. They play the piano.
  6. He loves Mia now.
  7. We do apologize.
  8. I live in Sidney.
  9. The Moon goes round the Earth.
  10. William drives a taxi.
  11. She does not drive a car.

Simple present tense is used when we aim to express habits, general truth, future timetables, permanent situations, newspaper headlines, telling stories, for giving directions and instructions.

2. Simple Past Verb Tense

It is possible to use a variety of forms and tenses when talking about the past. However, it is the Past Simple tense, the one we mostly use.

In this lesson , we will explore how to use the arrangement and usage of Past Simple Tense. Then the quiz will be provided to assess your knowledge.

The past verb tense is used when discussing an action which has already taken place. It does not use the helping verbs. There are a set of rules to transform specific present verbs into past forms. Most verbs that are in the past tense (second form) include an additional “-d” or “-ed” following the base form. However, there are spelling changes.

Simple Past Tense Example Sentences

3. Simple Future Verb Tense

The simple future verb tense indicates an action that is to happen. It typically uses the words shall and will to indicate that it will continue to occur in the near future.

The future tense (e.g. I will or shall travel; he will speak, and we will speak) refers to events that haven’t occurred yet in the sense of time, but are expected, scheduled or expected to happen in the near future. Here are some of the most frequent scenarios where the future tense is used: To ask for information about the future (you will be in Washington tomorrow; OK, I’ll write that report on Monday).

Simple Future Tense Example Sentences

Progressive Tense

Progressive tense is a verb tense used to describe continuing actions. The progressive tenses are the future progressive tense, the past progressive tense, and the present progressive tense. The progressive tenses are sometimes called the “continuous” tenses.

4. Present Progressive

The present progressive relates to the events happening right now or progress. In this case, helping verbs are used, is, am and are. This present progressive tense refers to an ongoing event that is happening in the current time.

Although it’s a present tense, present progressive tense could refer to an event scheduled to occur in the near future (especially for planned activities).

Present Progressive Tense Example Sentences

5. Past Progressive

The past progressive tense is used to describe a continuing event in the past. In past progressive tense, helping verbs are used, was and were.

Past progressive tense can be difficult for many people who aren’t native users to grasp because many languages do not have an equivalent.

The term “past progressive” describes an event taking place at a particular time during the previous days.

Past Progressive Tense Example Sentences

6. Future Progressive

The future progressive tense is used for a continuing action that will occur in the future.

Future continuous tense is called “the future progressive tense is an example of a verb tense which indicates that something is going to happen in the near future and will continue for a certain amount of time.

It is constructed with the help of the formula, will/shall be + verb + ing.

Future Progressive Tense Example Sentences

7. Present Perfect Tense

There are three things to consider to keep in mind when dealing the perfect present. Firstly the act is already completed just like all other perfect tenses. Secondly is that it could be referring to an event which was completed at an indefinite period of time in the past. And thirdly, it may be a reference to an event that began in the past, and continues with the present. Present perfect tense can be constructed making use of have/have and the past participle in the main verb.

Present Perfect Tense Example Sentences

8. Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect tense is quite an easy tense to use. The Past Perfect tense speaks on past events that occurred in the “past”.

Past perfect describes an event that has been completed before an incident in the past. To make the past perfect tense first use the word “had” and then join it to the past participle form.

Past Perfect Tense Example Sentences

  1. The boy had cried before her mother came.
  2. She told us that the train had left.
  3. Mia began to run after she had seen the rat.
  4. Had Amelia come late to the hospital?
  5. Had the water boiled when you went to kitchen?
  6. By the time I returned school, he had already left.
  7. Until he went to London, he had not spoken English.
  8. You went there after you had completed the task.
  9. When I came hotel, they had already eaten the dinner.
  10. She had never seen such a nice beach before she went to California.

9. Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense can be used to signify an event that is coming up and has a specific date for its end. It follows a pattern that is will + have + 3rd form of verb.

For example, “Amelia will have gardened by then.” The essence in these tenses is you’re in the future, however there’s an end to it that has been in place prior to this imagined future. Let’s examine some examples of future perfect tense to clear things up.

10. Present Perfect Progressive Tense

Present perfect progressive tense (also known as the present perfect continuous tense) shows that something started in the past and is continuing at the present time. The structure of the Present Perfect Continuous tense is:

has/have been + present participle (ing).

Present Perfect Progressive Tense Example Sentences

  1. They have been writing articles on different niches since night.
  2. She has been reading the newspaper for three hours.
  3. We have been playing cricket for five hours.
  4. He has been finding the shoes since afternoon.
  5. She has been studying in the classroom for two hours.
  6. I have been reading Harry Potter for a month now.
  7. Have we been listening to songs since morning?
  8. She has not been watching the football match for three hours.
  9. Have you been preparing the handouts for five hours?
  10. You have been helping him to do the task for six hours.
  11. My sister has been cooking for four hours.

11. Past Perfect Progressive Tense

A past perfect continuous tense (also known as the past perfect progressive tense) indicates that an event that began in the past was carried on to the point in the past in another time. This tense can be created by using had been and the verb’s present participle (root + ending). It is also known as the Past Perfect Continuous, which expresses the “past in the past.”

Past Perfect Progressive Tense Example Sentences

  1. She had been drinking milk when Mom walked into the kitchen.
  2. He had been playing cricket for three hours.
  3. The child had been studying since last night.
  4. Amelia had been drafting the plan for a meeting for five hours.
  5. I had been eating my favorite fruit.
  6. They had been walking in this road since morning.
  7. Had Mia been dancing for three hours?
  8. Had we been traveling for three days?
  9. She had not been bathing in the rain since evening.
  10. The mechanic had been repairing my car since morning.

12. Future Perfect Progressive Tense

The future perfect continuous tense, also known as the future perfect progressive tense, is used to indicate a continuous action in the future. Formula for future perfect tense is will + have + been + first form of verb with ing.

Future Perfect Progressive Tense Example Sentences

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Originally published at on November 28, 2021.



Isaac - ESL (English as a Second Language)

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