Accordingly Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentences


Exploring “Accordingly”:

The term “accordingly” is an adverb that signifies a logical or appropriate response to a situation, circumstance, or information. It is used to indicate that an action, decision, or behavior is in line with what is expected or required based on the context.

“Accordingly” plays a crucial role in effective communication and decision-making, ensuring that responses are well-suited to the circumstances at hand. It helps maintain coherence and clarity in language and actions.

Synonyms for “Accordingly”:

  1. Consequently: “Consequently” is a synonym for “accordingly” and is used to show a cause-and-effect relationship between actions or events.
  2. Hence: “Hence” indicates a logical consequence or result and is often used interchangeably with “accordingly.”
  3. Therefore: “Therefore” is another synonym for “accordingly” and is employed to express a logical conclusion or inference.

Antonyms for “Accordingly”:

  1. Inappropriately: “Inappropriately” signifies actions or responses that are not suitable or relevant to the context, contrasting with the idea of acting “accordingly.”
  2. Illogically: “Illogically” suggests responses or decisions that lack logical coherence, opposing the concept of acting in a logically consistent manner.
  3. Contrarily: “Contrarily” refers to actions or responses that go against expectations or the logical course of action, contrasting with “accordingly.”

Example Sentences:

  1. She received praise for handling the unexpected situation accordingly and making the necessary adjustments.
  2. The weather forecast predicted heavy rain; consequently, the outdoor event was rescheduled.
  3. The budget cuts affected several departments; hence, some projects had to be put on hold.

In conclusion, “accordingly” serves as a linguistic tool for aligning actions and decisions with context and expectations. Synonyms and antonyms offer insights into the nature of appropriate and inappropriate responses. To explore more about the concept of “accordingly,” including additional synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences, visit



Isaac - ESL (English as a Second Language)

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