Accommodate Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentences


Accommodate Definition, Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentences

The word “accommodate” encompasses the concept of making room or space for something or someone. It signifies the act of adjusting, adapting, or providing for the needs or requirements of others to ensure comfort and convenience. Accommodating others can range from offering physical space to catering to their preferences and requirements.

Accommodation is a fundamental aspect of hospitality, travel, and interpersonal relationships, reflecting a willingness to be flexible and considerate.

Synonyms for “Accommodate”:

  1. Provide for: “Provide for” is a synonym for “accommodate” and highlights the act of supplying what is needed or requested.
  2. Make space for: To “make space for” something or someone means to adjust or rearrange to create room or accommodate them comfortably.
  3. Adapt to: “Adapt to” implies the ability to adjust or change in response to specific requirements or circumstances, similar to accommodating.

Antonyms for “Accommodate”:

  1. Refuse: “Refuse” indicates the act of denying or declining a request or need, contrasting with the willingness to accommodate.
  2. Reject: To “reject” something or someone is to dismiss or decline them, opposing the idea of accommodating their needs or preferences.
  3. Resist: “Resist” suggests a refusal to yield or adapt to specific requirements, contrasting with the idea of being accommodating.

Example Sentences:

  1. The hotel staff went above and beyond to accommodate the special dietary requests of their guests.
  2. The flexible seating arrangement could provide for both large and small groups, making it suitable for various events.
  3. He was always willing to adapt to changing circumstances to ensure the comfort of his team.

In conclusion, “accommodate” signifies the act of providing space and comfort by adjusting to the needs and preferences of others. Synonyms and antonyms offer insights into the nature of accommodation and its contrasts. To explore more about the concept of “accommodate,” including additional synonyms, antonyms, and example sentences, visit



Isaac - ESL (English as a Second Language)

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